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The future of healthcare has arrived with instant access to a network of physicians who truly care. Lock Haven Rehabilitation and Senior Living has partnered with Geisinger Health to provide our patients with the best care possible at all times. You no longer have to worry about urgent and emergency medical scenarios that require a trip to the hospital in middle of the night. We now have access to experienced, board-certified doctors via telemedicine, who can provide our residents with virtual medical evaluations in urgent and emergency situations during critical evening hours and weekends.

Our round-the-clock physician coverage, supplemented by telemedicine when necessary, enables us to treat patients in place, reducing the need for unnecessary hospitalizations and ER visits.

Patient calls for nurse aide or has had an emergency.

Nursing staff evaluates the patient’s condition and calls our round-the-clock hospitalists.

The doctor assesses the patient via a 12-lead ECG, virtual stethoscope & other tools.

If necessary, the doctor can order additional labs and tests to reach a proper diagnosis, avoiding transfer to the hospital for conditions which can be medically managed in-house.

22 Cree Drive Lock Haven, PA 17745

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